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Writer's pictureToxicc

Soul sister volume 9 (01.2013) magazine talk

Hey welcome back

So today were going to be doing a magazine talk post (aka just me yapping about some random issue of gal magazines), im sure youve seen this concept before its not supper unique but always fun.

So what mag is it today?

Im glad you asked, today were talking about my favorite issue of my favorite gal magazine, the 01.2013 issue of Soul sister (as if its not in the title). Soul sister is genuinly my fav magazine of all time esspecially in the gal spheare, the vibes, the looks, the models and the side bits are just chefs kiss , like when i first flipped through a soul sister issue my life was honestly changed so I think doing the first magazine talk on Soul sister is the best way to start so I hope you enjoy.

Wait Im new whats a soul sister?

Soul Sister is a Gyaru magazine geared towards ora ora and tsuyome. It's very much the edgier sister to egg (and imo way better then egg).

So whats in this issue then?

So as I mentioned this is one of my fav issues of all time, even starting with the cover omg beautiful, the colours and contrast is amazing imo and work with soul sisters brand so well, Mipochi also slays so hard here (when does she not).

I also love the specials in this issue these include:

Sisters model bible models personal belongings revealed

Motercycle and car specials

Phone special

And of course the ussual specials of love and "mama" corners as i call them (i swear that was a thing where we called them that) among other staples.

Heres the highlights

Moterbikes/ cars

I lowkey love the bike specials in soul sister mostly coz like my grew up near a race track ass loves car and motor customazation in general and honestly they pop right off with that in Japan, like look at the first pink bike with the gold lettering and wheel trims and the pink hello kitty its such a slay omg. i also love the one in the bottom left corner which is (if good ol uncle google translate is to be belived) "has been purposuly made to look like and old man". carrying onto the next page we see a close up of the Lum (from urusei yatsura) cosplayers bike who (from my understanding of the google translation) is the leader of the motorcycle group who can be seen holding the big flag in the right corner, her bike is also staning and the cute skull and crossbones flag just adds to it and to agree with her little description the tattoo all over her back is indeed really cool. and a quick side note slay that model making that car look cool as shit despite the car looking like that lol.


another soul sister staple fav of mine i love, i also love this as it really does break japanese stareyotypes and taboos which is the most gal thing you can do. I do love seeing that no matter what the heart and dagger with a ribon tattoo is a universal player no matter what lol. I am gonna leave this section mostly for yall to peruise as tattoos are art that deserve to be admired but heres some of my vauge thoughts. I love the line work on the oni tattoo on page two its so clean. not the inner lip tattoo trend of the early 2000s on show, they are such a slay dont get me wrong but the haling scares me. the big back pieces are also amazing omg i love them and the coloures and omg whos that why its the Lum cosplayer again (theres a reason i brought up the tattoo quote) the detail omg the sading even more omg, like im not big on bw tattoos but honestly this one is just jam dropping to me it looks straight out of a scean in folklore (it could be idk) with the unfinished cloudes going down to her legs i can only imagine what it would look like if she got it fully finnished and or carried it on down the back of her legs.

Rooms? ROOMS

Who dosent love a room special (ik I do), I know i struggle with making me room more gal so i always appreciate seeing into other gals rooms (that sounds creepy out of cotext) coz im just always so desprate for inspo (i also have i wanna change my room around every month syndrome). anyway apart from my ever growing need for room inspo i just love seeing the contrast between the first two pages; from the the pink and disney filled room to the black flag with Lead on it and just the black and white decore its a very nana contrast esspecially for pages that are next to eachother. I also love how this issue did a feature on a gal whos training to be an architect ( slides 3 and 4) from what i can gather at least she also gave a few qnas on how other people could get into the job but im not fully sure on the rest so if anyone who can read and translate this segment is reading this id love a summery as lowkey im very interested in what the segment talks about coz boss babe be boss babeing (let me reclaim that pls dont let the mlm huns win), no but fr shes slaying so hard whilst working good for her i hope she fuffiled all her dreams.


You cant beat a good 2000s and early 2010s phone segment if you ask me (tho i do preffer the flip phone days just for pure aesthetic and cuntyness) tho the early 2010s did lowkey also slay (I was there so Id know lol), like look at the pink leopard print, the bunny ears, the zebra print omg I live for phonecases like this none of this stupid plain stuff you see today like seriously take me back. though we do see some plain phonecases here too showing the slow decent into plainess and boringness (Im sorry but its true). i also really like the little wallet one too those are honestly so peak imo but Im also a grown ass adult so. Also so tempted to get a kuromi gem case after seeing those my melow and hello kitty ones coz even in soul sister we gotta have a bit of cute girliness coz its all about balance of the tough and girly cute (at least to me it is), also side note (coz negl as im writing this i cba google translate) im taking bets on if those gals in the bottom left on page 2 have actual designer cases or fakes (im going fakes negl).

Gal mamas

Ok so Im not gonna lie Ive been in a bit of a baby fever mode recently so maybe thats why I liked this segment so much but you also cant beat a good gal mama and with all the kogyaru mag discourse ( now thats a good blog post idea) its nice seeing the proper version of kids in gal lol. Anyway I absolutely love how these mamas manage raising their kids alongside being absolute fierce fashionistas', I also love the first buggy on the left black and pink is like ultimate combo ngl. I also absolutely love thencute little kiddie fashions and how stylish but kid appropriate they are which I feel isn't the same anymore (again I will do a post on kogyaru mag scandal I promise) and just the proof that your kids can be dressed appropriately but also absolutely slay as little mini fashonistas (and let's be honest that is a good life skill to teach early). Anyway I cant wait to review more gal mama segments in the future let's see how long my baby fever lasts.


What would a gal mag be without tuts and inspo, this time were gonna start with hair including tuts for sexy and wild hair styles with 2 each and I love the sexy one on the left I could imagine it working on short hair so well or being amazing for the scorching summer days. Now you cant go wrong with Mipochi for a good wild hair and of course she slays these I love how simple the right style is whilst also absolutely slaying the floor, also the slay of that pseudo mawhawk hair I would give anything for that amount of skill. From the inspo I gotta shout out the hight of early 2010s fashion aka the dip die man did that have a hold on me as a teen and like why does it still lowkey slay or am I just old. On the second page the one that instantly jumped out at me was the cheetah hair coz omg Im on the floor dead from it (and my ex scemo heart is screaming) we need to bring this shit back despretly, also the pink highlight in the top left on the second page screams to my little heart alongside the split dye which is probably one of my fav things you can do with your hair.


I love some nail inspo mostly coz there's so much you can do with nails that I get stuck lol, I also love the veriaty you see here, longer, shorter, simple, complex, there really is something for everyone here. I love the channel charm and how eye catching it is (again very real I'm sure lol) and how eye catching the nails are despite being purley black and white. On the next page I also especially love the rainbow tiger nails with the dis charm like honestly I need nails like this coz like look at them and the gems take them to a level of ott that just makes them iconic. In general the amount of cheetah and tiger nails in this spread is so good like maybe its just my bias but we need more tiger/zebra and cheetah nails out there. I also love how these spreads don't just focus on just long af nails cos like I know I struggle with them (I'm a busy girlie frfr) coz I feel like people often forget you can do gal with shorter nails and simpler nail designs not just ort long loalo spelled out on the nails in charms nails lol (tho i am a sucker for them too obvi) we do stan a gal on the go set of nails in this house.


And with the last but deffo not the least of the main 3 we come to the make tuts, this time we have 3 tut including this first one which is a bit softer, and Id argue that it would be hella suituble for like everyday/ work (within limits obvi), I love the shape this make gives to the eyes, I also love her lip colour so much I need to get a lippie like that. Second tut instantly stands out with that lipstick colour, I dont think I've ever seen such a strong colour in a gal mag tut before I also love how unconventional this make is too. Last make also fetures a strong lippie colour which draws your attantion, I love how muh this make changed how this model looked like honestly shooketh I also love the focus and exaggeration on the bottom lashline and how strong it is, side note I also love how used all the products in the product images are like we love seeing pan like overconsumpton is hell so its a nice diffrence. Over all I love how solid and strong these tuts are.

The comic

Now I love the comics in gal mags even if Im mostly confused about whatever tf is going on, anyway whats the plot? Well according to uncle google the girl meets this guy and invites him over, he falls for her but he has a girlfriend, but after a few days he comes back after breaking up with said girlfriend so he can get with mg (main girl), so she eventully askes him to take a day off work so they can go on a date (thre last pannel google struggled with but apparently twitter was mentioned, anyway onto page 2), so friday comes and he calles her saying he needs to work, mg getting upset says she wants to break up coz she thinks he lied (im assuming about wanting to go on the date) he insists he didnt and dosent want to break up, she then in anger says he'll have to swallow a thousand needles or toothpicks (I swear this is like a cultural thing) she then goes off and messes around with some other guys before getting a video from her fraind of him swallowing a shit load of toothpicks, she rushes to his house in shock before rushing him to the hospital where the doctor says hes fine... it ends in him shitting whole toothpicks as you do.

Heres some other stuff I loved

Heres a slidshow of some other cool stuff in this issue icluding some madstar ads (this is soul sister after all) where as always with madstar slay, some more Mipochi slay (she one of my fav models frfr) and just some clothes in general. Anyway enjoy them and remember you can click onto the slide show to expand. And with that we are done with this issue of soul sister and the first ever magazine talk on the blog i hope you enjoyed and this leaves us with just two things and those are:

Question of the post: Whats your fav gyaru magazine?

Pretty much what it says on the box lol, since im here talking about my fav whats yours and who knows maybe itll be the next mag for this segment.

Polish word of the post: Motocykl/Motocykle

Meaning: Motorbike/ moterbikes

IDK I think theyre pretty similar to the English, anyway with that as always;

Do zobaczenja <3

With thanks to Gal Revo for the Scans


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